Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sketchbook Project 2013!

You may remember that last year, I participated in the Sketchbook Project 2012.  Well, now I'm gearing up for the Sketchbook Project 2013 (if you'd like to sign up, click here--sign up by October 31, 2012)!

For those not familiar with this project, you receive a small sketchbook, fill it up, and send it back.  It then goes on tour...kind of like a concert tour for sketchbooks.  People line up in these different cities to look through all of the sketchbooks.  Pretty cool!  At the end of the tour, the sketchbooks go back to New York and are archived permanently at the Brooklyn Art Library, where they can be viewed.

My new sketchbook, a cute little "sketchbook sleeping bag," and a pencil made from reclaimed denim.  Sketchbook Project 2013, here I come!

I also wanted to let everybody know that my sketchbook from the 2012 tour is digitized online!  You can go take a look at the whole book: click here!  I'll post some pics from the new sketchbook once I actually get started.

Donna : )

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